Businesses that sell items for domestic or personal use and provide services related to the sale of the goods are included in this division. Even though sales to construction contractors make up a higher percentage of total sales, the retail trade industry also comprises dealers of lumber and other building materials as well as stores that sell paint, glass, and wallpaper to the general public.
In the trade, these businesses are referred to as retail. Our Retail Trade Industry Database has all of the contact information needed for email, telemarketing, and direct mail marketing.Email contacts in the retail trade industry are very receptive to goods and services that satisfy their needs.
A great marketing database that provides you with up-to-date, validated information for your telemarketing and email campaigns is the AYG DATA TECH Retail Trade Industry mailing list.
SIC Code 52-59 -
Retail Trade
Reach Retail Trade Industry Executives within these industries
Reach Retail Trade Industry Executives within these industries
• Lumber and Other Building Materials Dealers Mailing List
• Paint, Glass, and Wallpaper Stores Mailing List
• Hardware Stores Mailing List
• Retail Nurseries, Lawn and Garden Supply Stores Mailing List
• Mobile Home Dealers Mailing List
• Department Stores Mailing List
• Variety Stores Mailing List
• Miscellaneous General Merchandise Stores Mailing List
• Grocery Stores Mailing List
• Fruit and Vegetable Markets Mailing List
• Candy, Nut, and Confectionery Stores Mailing List
• Dairy Products Stores Mailing List
• Auto and Home Supply Stores Mailing List
• Boat Dealers Mailing List
• Recreational Vehicle Dealers Mailing List
• Women’s Clothing Stores Mailing List• Family Clothing Stores Mailing List
• Home Furniture and Furnishings Stores Mailing List
• Household Appliance Stores Mailing List
• Eating and Drinking Places Mailing List
• Drug Stores and Proprietary Stores Mailing List
• Liquor Stores Mailing List
• Miscellaneous Shopping Goods Stores Mailing List
• Retail Bakeries Mailing List
• Motor Vehicle Dealers (new And Used) Mailing List
• Motor Vehicle Dealers (used only) Mailing List