Email Validation Service

Email verification and validation lower bounce rates.

Boost the database email validation service’s correctness and validity of email addresses. Our program rapidly compares email addresses to fraudulent email addresses, known dead domain names, and typical typos in email address submissions.

We employ a five-step procedure to validate and sanitize email addresses.

Email addresses that are successfully appended, deliverable, and have received an opt-out message but have chosen to remain on your email list are the only ones for which you pay.

* Scrub of Keywords Words like spam, garbage, abuse, etc. are eliminated from the email list. Comparing Bounce Files

When we perform a comparison, we eliminate the 19.5 million bounced emails from our list. This includes emails that have asked to be removed or that have provided a challenging response.

* File of Complaints We eliminate any matches between the list of emails and our complainers file. Emails that belong to Spam Cop are likewise deleted. About 75% of the Spam Cop database is available to us.

*Domains: We compare the list of email address domains and eliminate any spam seed, BOT, black list, or phony emails or domains. We own and manage a list of over 156,000 domains.

* Verify emails Every email address in your database is checked to see if it is an address that can accept emails using our in-house verification software.

We promise that our service will be 98% accurate despite all the unknown factors that could affect email list cleaning and validation.

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